Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for October 23, 2011
Jimbo: I guess you'll be having tea! Grab yourself a teacup! Rose: I was going to have a glass of juice! Jimbo: Why? The teacups are right here behind this cabinet door...and you love tea! Rose: Is that important for me to get a teacup? Jimbo: Imperative! Rose: Is that what I think it is? Jimbo: Could be... Rose: Jimbo!... I haven't read your... "Sometimes a great love note writer is so confident in the strength of his manuscript...he will start celebrating even before it has a chance to be reviewed!"
omegacenturion over 13 years ago
lol they are pretty damn happy, cute
Yukoneric over 13 years ago
NE1956 over 13 years ago
I do this for my mate too, but not in paper form. Sometimes a draft in email. Somes a hidden sticky note on my iMac. A reminder on our iPhone.
Doctor11 over 13 years ago
How sweet!
iced tea over 13 years ago
Just like Love Is and Arlo&Janis. There’s a lot of sugar in their tea.
ChappellGirl5 over 13 years ago
My husband’s love note to me each morning IS the cup of coffee. When he’s away on TDY I’m lost, I can’t make a cup of my own coffee to save my life LOL.
tegm over 13 years ago
aww, should have waited for her to find it on her own, eventually!