New Adventures of Queen Victoria by Pab Sungenis for October 28, 2011

  1. Erroll for ror
    celeconecca  over 13 years ago

    Martha Stewart dressed as “Motha” this year. Mothra was more attractive

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  2. Monty avatar
    steverinoCT  over 13 years ago

    In case anyone’s interested:

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  3. Frog4
    Digital Frog  over 13 years ago

    Thanks steverino, I learned something new today.

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  4. Spiral
    valkryor  over 13 years ago

    @steverino The Greeks have been using two different forms of sigma for millenia, depending on where it is in a word. I only know this because I have a Classics degree. More information than you could ever need about the Greek alphabet here:

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  5. Missing large
    WayneZombie  over 13 years ago

    I heard another reason for the F/S substitution was printers would run short of S’s and substitute F’s, but I don’t remember where I read about it.

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