OMG! Like she’s going through with it! This is SO wrong!
This is a marriage that must never be consummated. You all understand why I’m saying this, right?
What exactly is the deal they made again?
No worries about marriage. Donna is too young and beautiful for that crap.
that’s the spirit donna, but too much text
a marriage made in heaven? or?
November 06, 2015
ejcapulet about 13 years ago
Sisyphos about 13 years ago
OMG! Like she’s going through with it! This is SO wrong!
Ray_C about 13 years ago
This is a marriage that must never be consummated. You all understand why I’m saying this, right?
Commentator about 13 years ago
What exactly is the deal they made again?
The missing M. Smokey about 13 years ago
No worries about marriage. Donna is too young and beautiful for that crap.
Tantor about 13 years ago
that’s the spirit donna, but too much text
billdi Premium Member about 13 years ago
a marriage made in heaven? or?