Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for December 02, 2011
Rat: The key to happiness is knowing your limitations and accepting them. Goat: I'm surprised to hear you say that, Rat. It's a pretty mature outlook. Rat: Yeah... like you're a pompous idiot, and I accept that. Goat: Why do I have these conversations? Rat: Because you're not smart. Please. Know your limitations.
bearguy about 13 years ago
Yes Goat, why do you waste your time talking to that miserable little rodent?
jpsomebody about 13 years ago
@ Susan Sunshine From yesterday.Thanks for the info.I have my computer set for dual keyboards because I took a spanish class. I just click the taskbar to change keyboards and then I only have to hold 2 keys to get a line of ¿. Typing alt 168 would work better for 1 or two characters.
rolleg about 13 years ago
Rat knows how to twist everything around. He’d make an excellent lawyer. Or politician.
tigre1 about 13 years ago
He IS a lawyer and politician…he just has better camoflage.And works on his friends…knowing how big a group he can work on…ie, knowing his limitations.
Sherlock Watson about 13 years ago
Goat’s only “limitation” is that he doesn’t have enough friends.÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷Why is Rat talking to himself in the 2nd and 3rd panels?
Number Three about 13 years ago
Well you’re not really the full shilling, Rat!
At least Goat doesn’t insult people.
LOL xxx
Number Three about 13 years ago
I like your screename.
Plods with ...™ about 13 years ago
Rat did say your limitations, goat. I don’t see the problem here.
bmonk about 13 years ago
Rat is right—but he found a way to avoid being mature, or learning wisdom.
Goat will end up more joyful than Rat. And Pig, that most child-like of characters, may find the most joy of all.
Sisyphos about 13 years ago
Rat is nothing if not self-confident. Of course, his confidence could be misplaced….
MrsETPerry about 13 years ago
I believe he was speaking out loud about himself, only to realize Goat was there so he turned it around to insult goat’s intelligence which was limited at the time.
gocomics over 10 years ago
Beer is now in a red can, instead of the yellow and green cans it came in previously (different brands?)