Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for November 14, 2011
Adam: Hey, look. "Town Council Member Hilburn Indicted for Tax Fraud." Laura: Was that the guy who tried to quash your recycling program? Adam: Exactly. Laura: He did a pretty good job, actually. You haven't done anything. Adam: I've been so busy. Laura: I've heard that before. Adam: See? Recycling is in my blood.
NE1956 about 13 years ago
Adam doesn’t get sarcasm … or truth. Actions, it is said, speak louder, Adam, so get moving. Jeez!
psychlady about 13 years ago
Adam doesn’t get it because in reality, he’s very seldom busy!
Lyons Group, Inc. about 13 years ago
Maybe you should include an active additive.
dante.deangelo about 13 years ago
I think Adam gets sarcasm, he’s even giving it back to Laura in the last frame.
rcerinys701 about 13 years ago
What happened to “Go”? The problem started with a "Try back a little later " message on one or two toons, now its the whole site.
MelvinLott about 13 years ago
The same could be said for many of us.
Adam-Stone(Soup) over 5 years ago
The previous two months of Adam@Home had to be the longest interval of duplicates I’ve seen in some time. I know Harrell re-uses some of the cartoons during his vacation or leaves of absence. But wow!