Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for March 13, 1997
Panel 1: "... So when we convert from fractions, what do we come up with? 1.333!" Panel 2: "If we continued to do the division, those threes would go to infinity!" Panel 3: "Do we all understand the concept of infinity? Of something that goes on and on forever?" Panel 4: "OOOOOOOOOOH, yeah."
n64kid888 about 13 years ago
something that DOES go on forever is big nate. he never ages.
hakuop about 13 years ago
math is too short at my school haven’t finish a lesson at school in forever
Donuts3132 almost 12 years ago
If you divide really anything to 3 and there is a remainder, there is always a repeating decimal. It’s either 6 or 3
ICartoonForTheWolrd over 11 years ago
Math so far is pretty easy for me. which is surprising because I’m a 7th grader now and I thought math would be really hard.
ImDaRealAni about 7 years ago
Swayamplays over 6 years ago
I get it since he doesnt age
minecraftchamp33 over 4 years ago
Math will take forever
Mr. LxATHE almost 4 years ago
Everything at school takes forever. People like school for some weird reason, but I hate it because of the people at school. The classes are okay, but I’m there because of my friends.
AliAdhami almost 4 years ago
Lol clever!
Hinokami tho almost 4 years ago
Mr.Staples head looks like a porkupine
zhongwuyou51 over 3 years ago
Maybe if you payed attention it would be quick.
n00b 3 months ago