Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for March 27, 1997
TEACHER: Thank you, Gina! We're hearing some wonderful poems on the theme of love, aren't we, class? CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP NATE: WONDERFUL POEMS?? Gina wrote a poem about her gerbil! I mean, come on! That is so shallow! FRANCIS: Nate, you're about to go up there and read a poem about Cheez Doodles! NATE: Exactly! Cheez Doodles are deep! NATE: There's deep, and then there's unfathomable. NATE: Nice try, Gina. We can't all be heroes.
lightningsnowstorm almost 13 years ago
GINA?????????? I didn’t notice! She actually looks like a person people would be friends with.
Amyrance over 12 years ago
She looks so cute :P And very nice.
minecraftfan01 over 11 years ago
gina looks so wierd
BNFANCC over 10 years ago
chechevara08 over 9 years ago
Gina looks cuter in her 1997 cameo than her 1999 original appearance.
CanadaBall about 7 years ago
There are 2 Gina’s both with a different last name! This is not the first appearance
ComicFan4Life over 4 years ago
Oh, hi Gina, (Is she the one that’s mainly featured in the more “recent” ones?)
minecraftchamp33 over 4 years ago
Gina has been developed a lot!
Boxo croco says happy derby over 4 years ago
Looks like and has the same name, as far as I’m concerned this is the first appearance of Gina
YashBatra(926yasbatr) almost 4 years ago
that was gina?!
Bentley over 3 years ago
in a an interview Lincoln pierce (the comic’s creator) when talking about mistakes in the comics he pointed out that in different instances, he once called gina “gina Hemphill” and " gina toms" so he ended up making her name “gina Hemphill – Toms”
dumpling almost 2 years ago
this is lisa’s bday
STUFF ENJOYER 9 months ago
Many things are unfathomable.