Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for July 02, 1997
ACTION! DRAMA! DR. CESSPOOL Comics! by Nate Wright, esq. Dr. Cesspool is working in a restaurant... Doctor: Demoted to busboy! How humiliating! woman: HELP! Doctor: If only I could find a way to get back my license to practice medicine! woman: HELP! My husband is CHOKING! Doctor: I'm a great doctor, but I have no way to SHOW it! Nobody will give me a CHANCE! woman: Somebody DO something! PLEASE! ANYBODY! Doctor: Dang it, I should be out there HELPING people! THUD! woman: *sob*
SuperSayian over 12 years ago
That’s a terrible way to die. That and drowning.
hologram165 over 8 years ago
Lady, you made it to adulthood without knowing how to do the Heimlich Maneuver?
Chad Applewhite over 7 years ago
IDK if it was an accident, but Dr. Cesspool actually said “I’m a great doctor, but I have no way to show it! Nobody will give me a chance!” out loud instead of thinking them.
CanadaBall about 7 years ago
Pannel 3 should be a thought bubble
DM9001 almost 5 years ago
NOOO he’s got AirPods in
ComicFan4Life over 4 years ago
Does no one know the chocking Heimlich manuver?
Futuristic Calvin almost 3 years ago
I don’t know why, but I love this strip
doctorwho29 almost 2 years ago
Well that was dark lol
STUFF ENJOYER 11 months ago
I found a way.