Nate: Well, as long as I'm stuck in summer school, I might as well make the best of it! I'll really try to APPLY myself! After all, I only have myself to blame! I'M the one who slacked off! I made my bed, and now I have to...Sleep in it...Z
mrfsu7524 almost 11 years ago
He will make the best of it hint hint wink wink nudge nudge.
DM9001 about 5 years ago
Nate was actually thinking responsibly for once.
CiceroAndHannibalAreMyGods almost 5 years ago
Finally nate! You are accepting it’s your fault!
Arcery over 4 years ago
Nate, you were so CLOSE, why did you have to fall asleep?
Frogpants(Servant of Zomboss) about 4 years ago
teqniqally its not a bed
VMB! almost 3 years ago
Was so proud that he was going to take responsibility for what he’s done, but got a tiny bit sad that he went to sleep pretty quick
doctorwho29 almost 2 years ago
Man, he started that strip so well
TheOneWithAPlanZ 12 months ago
Anyone realize the two other students in the forth panel look like some alternate versions of Teddy and Francis?