Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for December 03, 1997
CHIP CHIPSON interviewing JACK FROST! Chip: Jack, folks want to know: HOW do you decide when to whip up a snowstorm? Jack: Depends on my mood, Chip. Basically, it all boils down to this: If I'm BORED and have nothing else to do...I make it SNOW! For example: Remember the blizzard last February? On Sunday, the twenty-third? Chip: Remember?? I was shoveling for TWELVE HOURS! Jack: "X-Files" was a rerun that night, so I had to do SOMETHING!...
SuperDavid over 11 years ago
To do list for Chip: Wake up: 9:00 Shovel snow: 9:10~21:10 Sleep: 21:20~9:00
Francis B. Pope about 6 years ago
a non-E mouse about 6 years ago
Did that storm actually happen?
That Cupcake about 4 years ago
Mr. LxATHE almost 4 years ago
X-Files is trash.
STUFF ENJOYER 9 months ago
12 hours of shoveling? That’s a lot of snow.
Arcery 7 months ago
So, this guy can control the weather?