Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for December 30, 1997

  1. Missing large
    a non-E mouse  over 6 years ago

    Nice torture technique.

     •  Reply
  2. Large nate
    Arcery  over 4 years ago

    I would be counting more than every space

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  3. Nate
    Over-Confident Nate (Comic Reviewer)  about 4 years ago

    francis and nate are so annoying

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  4. A7a44a2d 9f3f 427a a614 10d8823e8be0
    Iron Spidey 824   almost 3 years ago

    Francis is a nerd, but in the third panel, he doesn’t use correct grammar. A-eight should be an-eight. Francis, I’m calling you out.

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  5. 02 smb dm mobile banner 1080x745 pl f01 022723 63fe3cbc4df54 1
    STUFF ENJOYER  over 1 year ago

    That just ain’t right.

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  6. Walter white
    nate_wrong  3 months ago

    The only ones that would have saved Francis were 2, 5, 7, 10, 12. The probability that he gets a 2 is 1/36, the probability of a 5 is 4/36, the probability of 7 is 6/36, the probability of 10 is 3/36, and the probability of a 12 is 1/36. Summing up these mutually exclusive events, the probability that he doesn’t land on Nate’s probability is 15/36, or approximately 42% of the time.

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