Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for May 09, 1998
Hey, Dad! What's the deal with Ellen's bizarre new "Hairdo"? Nate's dad: It's just a phase, Nate! Nate's dad: She's experimenting, that's all! Everyone goes through phases with their hair! Nate Wright: Some phases last longer than others, eh, dad? Nate's dad: This phase will last about three hours.
DM9001 about 9 years ago
Just a lesson, Nate. Stop reminding Dad of his looks while he’s working.
All I want is my rope roblox Xmas style about 4 years ago
Nate poking fun a insecurities again not cool at all
Nate Wright! about 3 years ago
Why would it take Nate three hours to sweep the floor
_buddy over 1 year ago
Oof, that’s harsh. This could be classified as sardonic, even.