Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for April 29, 1999
Nate: this stinks! These guys on the eagles are a bunch of jerks...the coach is psycho...What am I doing on this team? Nate: So they're winning! So what? Does that make them so great? Ohhh, look at us! We're the eagles! Were so much better than anyone else! Coach: Hey! Wright! Wake up! Unzip your lip! Let's hear some chatter! Nate: Come on, "Joe's chicken"!!
ReneeZimbodgi about 13 years ago
go, Nate!
pikachupachirisu over 12 years ago
nate must be listening to “I’m not afraid” by eminem because he is standing up for whats right
KansasChaser12 about 7 years ago
Nate’s rooting for Joe’s Chicken.
a non-E mouse about 6 years ago
minecraftchamp33 over 4 years ago
This is “hero time”!
Space Guy about 4 years ago
nate is brave, loyal, and aloof.
SpongeBob (Founder of The Spongebob Club) over 3 years ago
The Spongey Awards! Best year! Nominees in the replies!
doctorwho29 almost 2 years ago
STUFF ENJOYER over 1 year ago
The coach was making him talk. Bad sign.