Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for September 01, 1999
Nate: As much as I despise Mrs. Godfrey, I'm going to try to get along with her this year! Nate: It's my new approach! It won't be easy, but I figure I can keep it up as long as - Mrs. Godfrey: nate! Stop talking and turn around! Now!! Nate: Okay, I'm going to Plan B. Teddy: So much for diplomacy.
Johnnython about 12 years ago
what’s plan b?
peanuts511 over 10 years ago
ok now that’s just evil! it’s ok to scold the children once in a while but screaming at them just for talking is just plain evil!!
DanielConner-Otoo over 6 years ago
Arcery over 4 years ago
Wow. Quite an overreaction from her.
hockey man about 4 years ago
she overacts a lot
doctorwho29 almost 2 years ago
She does overreact but he seems to have no concept at all of classroom rules.