Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for April 11, 2000
"Francis! I got an 88 on that multiple choice test!" "You did? I thought you said you didn't study for it!" "I didn't! I had no clue what the answers were, so I closed my eyes and picked them at random!" "I did better by guessing that I would've if I'd studied for a week!" "Some people might find that troubling." "Whatever. I've got myself a system!"
ChaosGamer almost 13 years ago
bignatesbiggestfan12 over 12 years ago
Mebbe u were just lucky..
Big Nate Rocks! almost 12 years ago
I think Nate’s on a roll…
ChristmasBoneCatalog over 10 years ago
nice strategy.
Nate Wight. almost 9 years ago
Congrats I got a 106 on a test without studying and there was no extra credit
spyroclub1 about 6 years ago
Your neighborhood has a cat problem! eproblem is that all those cats don’t belong toYOU! Everyone in the neighborhood wants toclaim those adorable kitties for themselves.Outwit your fellow feline fiends as you lure catsonto your property, move cats into your house,and steal cats from your neighbors. All’s fair inlove and cat collecting!ObjectiveHere, Kitty, Kitty! is a competitive card game
JonAthon1 over 5 years ago
THIS won’t end well….
MALCOLMSTENZEL over 4 years ago
and how did you do in your math homework nate?
Arcery 7 months ago
That’s pretty insane, saved his average there.