Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for November 14, 2000
"I'm serious about this, Francis. You're spending way too much time studying!" "The question is: WHY? You could probably get straight A's without studying! Why do you do it?" "And don't give me some cheesy, pencil-neck answer like..." "Because I'm not content with mediocrity." "Did you not hear what I just said?" "...Except in my choice of best friends."
Big Nate Rocks! almost 12 years ago
Arsenal rock over 11 years ago
SpongeBob (Founder of The Spongebob Club) about 4 years ago
11th tag! Double!
SpongeBob (Founder of The Spongebob Club) about 4 years ago
Notebook panel: Francis looks at a schedule that says: 3:00:STUDYING 4:00: STUDYING 5:00:STUDYING 6:00: STUDYING 7:00:STUDYING 8:00:STUDYING
STUFF ENJOYER about 1 year ago
Studying can come in handy.
ahtd022012 4 months ago
Nate’s annoying