Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for October 16, 2001
"I've figured out that, throughout history, artists have come in four basic categories:" chomp slurp "A.) Starving B.) Self-destructive C.) Brooding D.) Insane" crunch slop munch "...So if I want to be a great artist someday, I'll have to fit into one of those categories." chompf narf narf "I think we can rule out 'starving.'" "Oo guh fisch dose chiffs?"
COMIC-ER over 12 years ago
translation of nate in panel 4=ooh, can i finish those chips
madmarge almost 12 years ago
Shoot for Insane, Nate.
To0tsie over 7 years ago
My birthday.
The_Unborn about 6 years ago
Isn’t he aalready insane?
PBS1! over 4 years ago
Definitely D.
@TherealFrancisPope about 4 years ago
Ew. But funny nevertheless.
SamuelZhao almost 4 years ago
Kirbo almost 4 years ago
placing my bets on ‘d’
Arcery 6 months ago
Nate could best achieve option D