'Sixth-grade bake sale Wednesday'...plain black block letters...Boring! "A poster is supposed to be eye-catching! It needs to jump off the wall! This one just sits there!" "Some people just don't know what to do witha paintbrush in their hands!"
Tdog1214 over 12 years ago
I thought Dee Dee did all the school posters
SuperDavid over 11 years ago
Dee Dee isn’t in the strip. She’s just a character only on the books
DM9001 over 8 years ago
That’s a little mean, Sheila.
Shelia Stapleton over 8 years ago
Could I help it? Sorry. Nate was getting on my nerves there.
The_Unborn over 6 years ago
Sheila and Deedee look similar
Cute Ice Cream (Cute Cookie Bear) almost 4 years ago
sheila knows what to do!
Arcery 8 months ago
That was mean, now Nate has to find a way to get paint off his shirt.