When you are sad, they know, and they will come over to you with that look that’s like, “Hey, large, hairless dog that I love, please stop being sad. There are so many tennis balls to be thrown, the world is a beautiful place.”
honestly, i hate cats and love dogs. all cats do is just sit somewhere and look stuck up, but dogs actually want to play with you and have fun. another reason why dogs are WAY better than cats
Mark Thames over 11 years ago
Yes, but Pickles has an advantage the second time because she knows where the food is.
peanuts511 over 10 years ago
When you are sad, they know, and they will come over to you with that look that’s like, “Hey, large, hairless dog that I love, please stop being sad. There are so many tennis balls to be thrown, the world is a beautiful place.”
troylamborghini almost 9 years ago
Give me a break with this cat garbage
♞нυитєявσу_z♘ over 6 years ago
Congratulations Pickles, for breaking the world record for the least time to finish a maze! Let’s give a round of applause for the world-famous kitty!
@TherealFrancisPope over 4 years ago
Random Big Nate Fan over 4 years ago
this comic universe is so stupid, yet so funny
RaghidziadAdwan about 4 years ago
that is still cheating she should of saw the way when she was up there it must be a small maze if nate built it
Doglover26 almost 4 years ago
honestly, i hate cats and love dogs. all cats do is just sit somewhere and look stuck up, but dogs actually want to play with you and have fun. another reason why dogs are WAY better than cats
STUFF ENJOYER 11 months ago
Cats are pretty fast.
Wacky Dawg Premium Member 3 months ago
I wish it would show the inside of the maze