Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for May 24, 2005
"Mr. Galvin, which of these more accurately explains why you never take us on field trips" "A) Because the school no longer supports such extras, or..." "B) Because you're a burned-out, dried-up shell of the teachers you once were, and" "Put "A" then sit down." "Hold it, I'm not done. ...And no longer have the mental or physical stamina to..."
Gee150 over 12 years ago
This would be a good time to shut up
Comisftw about 10 years ago
C) One person in the class is particularly annoying and disruptive in class.
BiggerNate91 over 8 years ago
Mr. Galvin in head: Screw you Nate
Bahadurshah over 4 years ago
I think the real answer is “C” but Nate said it in an offensive style so he said “A” to not to embarrass himself
Fox and Falco (League of Gocomics Commenters) about 3 years ago
Why won’t he take them on field trips?
Arcery 9 months ago
The real answer is B.