Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for July 02, 2005

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    Cats&bubbles123  over 12 years ago

    I agree with fanvoice3000, and I LOVE that prank, I haven’t done it before, but I read about it. It’s REALLY funny.

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    mino8  almost 11 years ago



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    peanuts511  over 10 years ago

    in the fifth line, please correct this sentence “A cat can NEVER form a bond with *its owner”

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    temi6brocks  about 10 years ago

    Cats just ruin furniture and lick themselves it’s not like their saliva is soap. They sleep too much and have fish breath.

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    temi6brocks  about 10 years ago

    But personally I’m a bunny fan

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    Shelia Stapleton   over 8 years ago

    I like cats, but dogs are cool. I kind of feel bad for Nate in this situation. But we know he didn’t keep it, and thank goodness yes!

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    To0tsie  over 7 years ago

    Lets just say it, ponies are the best.

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    Calvin&Hobbes  over 5 years ago

    Can we just stop all of this stupid arguing if dogs and cats are better? Can’t we just apreciate both animals for their qualities. I personally love cats and dogs. They’re both extremely friendly pets who help human. Cat’s help clearing out rodents and dogs will bark if something bad happens. Watch this video for more extremely true things about the everlasting war between cats & dogs:

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    Calvin&Hobbes  almost 5 years ago

    I am going to attempt to settle this controversy once and for all by providing examples of my own experience with both cats and dogs by going over a list of pros and cons for both of them. I want you to keep in mind this is based off of MY opinion. First lets do cats. Pro: They are extremely cute and many will cuddle up to you if you are nice to them. Con: They base much of their relationship on first impressions. Pro: They can catch rodents and other vermin inside your house. Con: They can pose a threat to some reptiles near your home. Pro: They can be very playful. Con: Cats have a great memory. They will know if you purposely do something bad to them, and will not forget. Some people think that cats only care about you because you feed them. But if any of those people ever owned a cat, they would know, that cats can be very loving. As I mention a few months ago, I once had a cat who was extremely loving and playful. Sadly, he went missing last summer. One time when I caught a flu, he spent most of those few days in bed with me. Our other cat, who we have had for 14 years ever since she was a newborn is getting pretty old. But she still plays with us, and goes outside. She is very cuddly and happy. (also none of our cats have a litter box they do their business outside.) Now for dogs. BTW I have never owned a dog but I have met plenty. Pro: Dogs have an amazing sense of smell and that’s why there are many police dogs; so they can sniff out illegal drugs. Con: Dogs like smelly things and will sniff everything, but in their defense it IS there way of identifying things. Pro: Dogs are VERY fast and athletic. Con: They can be very hyperactive, which might be annoying. Pro: Dogs can easily be trained to do many things. I once met a dog who roughly knew how to play hide and seek. Con: Dogs can be a bit too trusting. This is also kind of a pro, but in my opinion it could also be a con. I respect that you might have your own opinion on these subjects. Plz do vice versa.

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    ElianaAlamu  over 4 years ago

    I argree

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    TIGOFYT  over 4 years ago

    When Nate asks for a dog for over 10 years, Marty says no but when Ellen wants a cat, it is a probability even if Nate has Ailurophobia. He is a terrible father who favourites Ellen. i mean have you ever seen her do any chores? No! Only Nate does chores.

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    Arcery  10 months ago

    If nobody claims it, you should probably put it up for adoption.

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