Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for September 05, 2005

  1. Epic face
    SuperDavid  over 11 years ago


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  2. Img 0706
    UniformTrain3  almost 8 years ago


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  3. Roblox logo
      ‍   about 6 years ago


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  4. F144c4ca 948f 46bf b2ba 608b5f1a1c02
    ♞нυитєявσу_z♘  almost 4 years ago


    Nate: I’M COMING!

    While the house is collapsing and everyone is running out of it, Nate trips and his foot gets stuck between two sofas. He’s going to die!

    Nate: HELP! HELP!

    Marty turns to Nate, who is reaching out for Marty. After standing still, deciding what to do, he eventually decides to rescue him. He runs to him and gets his foot unstuck. He then carries him to safety. The house collapses as they reach safety. Neighbors are getting out of their houses to see what’s the matter. Marty is crying.

    Marty: My… house… it’s… gone…

    Ellen comforts Marty while Nate looks at the remains of the collapsed house, afraid of what happened.

    Nate: Oh man… I could’ve been long gone. I was lucky that I’ve survived.

    Ellen: So daddy… what do we do now?

    Marty: I don’t… know. Maybe go to a homeless shelter because… well…

    Marty starts crying again. They walk to the nearest homeless shelter as he’s crying. Nate, still afraid of what just happened, starts realizing something about the collapsed house. He starts connecting the event to the time when he escaped Death. Hold on a second. This is all coming together to Nate, and making sense too.

    Nate: Hold on a second… was I… supposed to die in the collapse…? Is Death after me?


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  5. Natecray
    Insane Nate (Just an empty account)  almost 2 years ago

    Ok Marty is worse than I thought.

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  6. Large nate
    Arcery  10 months ago

    Not all school teachers suck

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