Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for September 29, 2005
"Here, kid, let me show you another example of how we can 'touch up' these school pictures." "Here's the 'Before' shot. This unfortunate lad had the worst case of poison ivy I've ever seen!" "Yikes." "...But look! After processing, our friend looks like a new man!" "Who, Odo from 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine'?" "Well, that's the trade-off. You do lose some definition."
meepies over 10 years ago
Reply if you get this reference. “I always investigate Quark.”
K0FER over 5 years ago
i click on a random comic, and it’s my birthday. (not the day i was born, though)
Bahadurshah over 4 years ago
Who is ODO
Mario Kart over 3 years ago
Poison Ivy in general is bad, but on school picture day? Yikes!
Arcery 8 months ago
So, Nate’s school picture is turning out poorly anyway.