Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for November 02, 2005
"Okay, Teddy, go up the left sideline, then slant right and head for the fire hydrant..." "When you get to the corner, turn right and go two blocks up to the 'Hearty Mart.'" "Then, get me a cheese steak with everything, a bag of Bar-B-Que chips, an orange soda, and a chocolate chip cookie." $ "You're starting to abuse the privileges of your quarterback position." "...And bring me my change! None of this 'keep the change' business!"
bignatefantic over 8 years ago
I like orange soda
Chad Cheetah almost 8 years ago
Little hungry Nate?
hello almost 7 years ago
wow nate
TottenhamFan almost 7 years ago
That’s actually fair, as payback for Teddy teasing him about the dried aprcots
DM9001 almost 6 years ago
Why do dollar signs always come out of money?
The last of Nate's Cheez Doodles almost 4 years ago
Teddy isnt your slave ,Nate.
Vallion almost 4 years ago
You can buy a cooked cheese steak at a supermarket?
Legend of the Night over 3 years ago
At least he didn’t make Teddy use his own money.
NFT Lawn Care over 3 years ago
Where does he get the money?
STUFF ENJOYER over 1 year ago
Good ol’ unhealthy meal.
Arcery 8 months ago
Teddy deserves to keep the change for that.