Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for December 10, 2005
"Good first half, gents! We're destroying these guys!" "...And Chester! You're dominating out there! Their whole team is hanging all over you, and they still can't stop you!!" "You're like 'Thing' from 'Fantastic Four'!" "Touchy." "I was going to have some Gatorade, but I've changed my mind."
Randy_Buttancort over 7 years ago
I-is that CHAD?!!?
David Blough almost 7 years ago
I was gonna have some grape Gatorade, but I changed my mind.
BīgChungus almost 3 years ago
I refuse to believe that he is chad…
good & evil 11 months ago
Ah! another one of the pre-Chads!
Arcery 8 months ago
I don’t get it, why did Chester do that?