Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for October 26, 2006
"I'll take that comic book, boys!" "Hey! My 'Femme Fatality'!" "Your 'Femme Fatality', Nate, is exploitative trash!" "No, it isn't! Femme's a great character!" "She'sh a shtrong woman who shtands up for hershelf!" "She's a role model, Mrs. Bigbee! Just like you!" "Except that I'm not wearing a skin-tight tube top and leather mini-shorts." "Thank heavensh." "Sssh!"
Sonicx79 about 11 years ago
00 whoa
AnnabethChase18 over 7 years ago
This was the day I was born!!!! look at 26/10/17
LINK_O_NEAL almost 7 years ago
Peter at the end makes this strip great. XD It’s also interesting to note how fast Peter matured in regards to “girly stuff” isn’t he like in first grade? LOL
Marty Wright almost 5 years ago
hmm… is Femme Fatality real
tyler28mcneil about 4 years ago
jnhgvhnj bvguhijonhbgv fvuhijohbguijnh bjh