Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for December 20, 2006
Here's another thing that's not fair: We students get nothing for being here! You teachers get paid! "'Paid'." "Heh heh...We get 'paid'. Heh ha ha..." "Ha ha ha ha ha we're rolling in it! Ha ha ha ha ha ha." "HA HA HA HA HA I'M RICH! HA HA HA HA HA!" "They all act this way when anyone mentions money."
ChaosGamer almost 13 years ago
Hahahhaha…. “We get paid”. Hehe, hahahah… Hahhahah hahaha we’re rolling in it! HahahahaAHAHHAHAAHAHHA I’M RICH! HahahahAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
Sonicx79 about 11 years ago
Instead we pay school to learn
toluwanio12 about 10 years ago
I got to private school so I don’t quite understand Nate. Doesn’t he understand they use the money to pay for our field trips abroad,
n8cwhite almost 9 years ago
For anyone that doesn’t get this joke, in almost every state in America teachers get paid next to NOTHING compared to other jobs.
ultrabot7436 about 8 years ago
HAHAHAHAHAH TEACHERS ARE ROOLLING IN THE DOUGH. It is really sad how low they are paid. In Switzerland teachers are treated very well.
Nierro about 7 years ago
Rosa doesn’t usually get this way until June.
VMB! almost 2 years ago
Not Wright almost 2 years ago
Yup. Always happens. Sad truth.
tharpa over 1 year ago
No, that’s a myth, popularized by sitcoms and comic strips and the teachers’ unions. Public school teachers get paid fairly well, especially when you factor in the number of hours and benefits.
There are few school districts, if any, where the average public school teacher gets paid less than the average taxpayer paying their salary.
stairclimber33 9 months ago
i think mr. rosa needs sleep