Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for July 19, 2007
"Guys, help me peek behind the back of this painting!"<BR"+>"What for?" "Haven't you heard about that guy who bought an old painting at a yard sale?" "Later, when he took off the backing, he found a copy of the Declaration of Independence!" "Dude, this is a velvet silkscreen of dogs playing poker." "Exactly! Where better to hide valuables? Behind a CLASSIC!"
DivadDavid almost 7 years ago
redrileys over 6 years ago
Swayamplays over 6 years ago
Buizel almost 5 years ago
It’s my bday
Gumball Watterson almost 3 years ago
who cares if its just a copy of the declaration of independence. you can literally print one out