Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for September 22, 2007
"Hang in there, guys! I know Coach John is a bit of a taskmaster, but having him help out with pay big dividends!" *Gasp!* Whew! "Did I ever tell you he was my coach back in high school? He was hired right before my senior year, and what a year that was!" "Instead of losing all ten of our games, we only lost nine!" "That's lametastic!" "Our win was a forfeit, but we felt good about ourselves!"
ChristmasBoneCatalog over 9 years ago
First and Second panel is a fact I didn’t know about before.
ImTheRealDirtyDan almost 8 years ago
Ikr nate?
I_Need_My_Comics over 7 years ago
Wow, the win was a forfeit. such an accomplishment.
cant think of a username about 7 years ago
Played yourself
Chad Applewhite about 7 years ago
“We won NINE!” * Holds up four fingers *
Cade over 1 year ago
is that supposed to make them feel better?