Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for October 30, 2007
"Dad, no! You can't hand out prunes for Halloween!" "Why not?" "You're supposed to hand out candy!" "Prunes are nature's candy!" "Plus, they help keep you regular!" "Keep you...? Dad, nobody cares about that!" "Your day will come, my friend." "'Nice costumes, kids! Say, how's your fiber intake?'"
ImTheRealDirtyDan almost 8 years ago
Or how ’bout “Hey kids, say, how much scarcasm have you heard recently?”
friiobe about 4 years ago
Marty don’t learn his lesson..
SuperCharged5- almost 4 years ago
Yes my fiber intake is quite goo- GET THOSE PRUNES AWAY FROM ME
leopardglily over 2 years ago
I don’t want to offend anyone, but to me, prunes look and taste like dried-up dog s**t and I will never eat them.
STUFF ENJOYER 9 months ago
Why can’t Marty just hand out candy?