"Nate, stop asking. It's not going to happen>" "But why? Why can't I get a dog for Christmas?" "Well, for one thing, because your sister's already asked for a cat." "Wha...? Wait, what?" "WHAT?" "WHAT?" "Pblpblpbl!"
What a sadist. Ellen has to know that Nate’s deathly scared of cats. I know the stereotype for siblings is that they they hate each other, but this is kind of insane.
The Strip Master over 11 years ago
Not Fair
toluwanio12 about 10 years ago
Nate’s been asking for a dog for years. So not fair!!!
THE #1 COOL KID! over 9 years ago
maybe ellens been asking for years to
wonkmaster almost 8 years ago
Hmmm. Maybe.
ImTheRealDirtyDan over 7 years ago
Ellen’s face kept me laughing for 5 minutes (mostly tongue postition)
AliAdhami over 4 years ago
What a sadist. Ellen has to know that Nate’s deathly scared of cats. I know the stereotype for siblings is that they they hate each other, but this is kind of insane.
Comment reviewer about 4 years ago
For everyone saying it isn’t fair. Shut up
SpongeBob (Founder of The Spongebob Club) almost 4 years ago
Notebook panel: Nate’s luck leaves him to join Ellen’s.
maneater 3 months ago
bro so immature when she blows the raspberry