"Let's go, Nate! Shut 'em down!" "It's up to you, Nate!" Clap clap "It's up to me!" "It's up to me." "It's up to me." "You'll need to turn around, son."
Oof. I was a goalie for my team once and we had to do penalty kicks. I’ve experienced the pressure firsthand. (We won the match decided by penalty kicks 3-2!) :)
Hermione4Ever over 11 years ago
You can do it Nate!
THE #1 COOL KID! over 9 years ago
YOU CAN DO THIS NATE!!!!!!!!!!!I KNOW YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!WE ALL BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chad Cheetah almost 9 years ago
On October 21, the ref sported the “double bump” ears. Now he has the “loop” ears Francis has.
[Unnamed Reader - 9f6a98] over 6 years ago
Did he see a skunk,or Jenny,or…eh,out of ideas
Comic Man X over 5 years ago
Come on Nate! You can do this!
Randy L. Betancourt about 4 years ago
my birthday
ImagineDragons over 2 years ago
Oof. I was a goalie for my team once and we had to do penalty kicks. I’ve experienced the pressure firsthand. (We won the match decided by penalty kicks 3-2!) :)