Narf! Chompf! Slup! Gulp! Nnf!Slurp! Nompf! Monch! Mmph! Clmf! Narf! Chompf! Slup! Gulp! Nnf!Slurp! Nompf! Monch! Mmph! Clmf! Nate says, "Whuh?" Gina says, "I just can't believe you're our class president."
December 09, 2018
November 28, 2018
@ginaYou better believe it.
Kinda reminds me of calvin and hobbes
Gina’s sitting next to Nate?
isn’t there a boys and a girls table?
You have to admit, that is really disgusting.
That’s how I eat. Otherwise Julian and Phil steal all my food.
Wow, Nate actually likes Dad’s lunch.
You’re disgusting, Nate…
forgot he was president XD
she has a point
fig newtons i think.
February 17, 2022
January 19, 2021
RayLewis52 almost 12 years ago
@ginaYou better believe it.
Hermione4Ever over 11 years ago
Sonicx79 about 11 years ago
Kinda reminds me of calvin and hobbes
Comisftw almost 11 years ago
Gina’s sitting next to Nate?
JaddenChase over 8 years ago
isn’t there a boys and a girls table?
ultrabot7436 about 8 years ago
You have to admit, that is really disgusting.
Elvis Presley over 7 years ago
That’s how I eat. Otherwise Julian and Phil steal all my food.
DM9001 about 5 years ago
Wow, Nate actually likes Dad’s lunch.
ComicFan4Life almost 5 years ago
You’re disgusting, Nate…
forgot he was president XD
Killua Zoldyck about 4 years ago
she has a point
stairclimber33 6 days ago
fig newtons i think.