Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for January 21, 2010
Marty says, "I'll poke the broom under the fridge, Nate. You try to catch the mouse in that cup when it runs out." Nate says, "Me? Why me?" Nate says, "I don't want it to pounce on me and chew my face off! Make Ellen do it!" Ellen says, "Wait a minute! What if it chews my face off?" Nate says, "No great loss." KONK! OW! Marty thinks, "Maybe'll just hire an exterminator."
tmaster87 about 11 years ago
Man Nate and Ellen are always at each others throat
Comisftw over 10 years ago
One does not simply hire an exterminator
(insert name here) over 7 years ago
that is harsh
a non-E mouse almost 6 years ago
Uhh, no exterminators are expensive. This way’s much better.
Mr.walrus over 4 years ago
KONK, lol
SamuelZhao almost 4 years ago
Use cheese
Mario Kart about 3 years ago
NYAVOR!!! about 1 year ago
yibyetyabyet 7 months ago
Hehe embarrassing
STUFF ENJOYER 2 days ago
Call the Ghostbusters.