Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for April 16, 2010
Boy says, "So you're claiming there's valuable stuff in this mess?" Nate says, "Yup." Boy says, "Well, then I guess you won't mind if I do a little treasure hunting! Heh heh!" Nate says, "Be my guest." GRRRRR WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF Nate says, "Just don't make any sudden moves."
De_Faulto over 12 years ago
or something much worse…
Mark Thames almost 12 years ago
I think that’s a security dog.
Marvelmoan1114 almost 12 years ago
This doesn’t really work w the strip, since Nate begs for a dog every Christmas. Just sayin.
Sonicx79 about 11 years ago
So he can get a dog
JaddenChase over 8 years ago
i think it is spitsy
BigNateRules! about 8 years ago
All my friends are heathens…
PvZBoss about 6 years ago
Did he always have a dog in there? And, follow up question: does he ever feed it and take it outside to go to the bathroom?
DM9001 about 6 years ago
So…I guess he doesn’t have to ask his dad for one. Also, why is a DOG in his locker? How does it live in that junk?
cyberchase07 almost 6 years ago
so nate DOES have a dog.
Status: Having nothing better to do about 5 years ago
He probably already bought one for his dad, but his dad said no, so its in his locker
ParkerSmith1 almost 5 years ago
I thought his dad said he couldn’t get a dog
ComicFan4Life almost 5 years ago
Oh, a guard doggo
rey mondia over 4 years ago
Randy’s face in panel 4! >3<
Big nate ✔️ about 4 years ago
Nate take that dog home
Over-Confident Nate (Comic Reviewer) about 4 years ago
if he wants a dog he could use the one in its locker. the only problem is getting the dog out of the school without faculty members seeing.
Hinokami tho almost 4 years ago
wait he has a dog?
Give me comics or give me death over 3 years ago
Does he already have a dog? Then why is he asking for one?
Teddy da boss about 3 years ago
He has a dog
pranav.prasanthvidya2012 about 2 months ago
Take that home! What it doing in your locker?