Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for February 06, 2011
Francis says, "For my science project, I observed a little-known syndrome…" Francis says, "…In which the brain retains some kinds of information but doesn't retain other kinds of information!" Francis says, "Allow me to demonstrate with the help of my test subject!" Francis says, "The test subject doesn't know what questions I'm about to ask!" Francis says, "Who's the voice of Bertram on 'Family Guy'?" Nate says, "Wallace shawn!" Francis says, "What was Stan Papi's lifetime batting average?" Nate says, ".218!" Francis says, "Who sang 'Brandy'?" Nate says, "Looking Glass!" Francis says, "In 'The Lord of the Rings,' who was the 22nd Prince of Dol Amroth?" Nate says, "Imrahil!" Francis says, "What is the center of an atom called?" Nate says, "I don't have the foggiest idea!" CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP Nate says, "Thank you, crowd! Thank you!" Teacher says, "Cripes."
jeeman77 almost 13 years ago
kimby the koala almost 13 years ago
whos bertram i have never seen him on family guy
De_Faulto over 12 years ago
Bignatecomiclover12 over 11 years ago
I think Lincoln likes family guy. That’s how I was like a few years ago.
peanuts511 almost 11 years ago
the nucleus consists of protons and nuetrons and has electrons circling around it!!
Comisftw almost 11 years ago
Nate’s so happy to have selective memory.
Zhasie Shmoist about 8 years ago
That’s so fake
ImDaRealAni almost 7 years ago
DM9001 about 6 years ago
Nate should play Trivia Crack. There’s no math section, but there’s a sports section!
bignateftw164 about 6 years ago
Nate has the same pose and face as the cover of In A Class By Himself!
DM9001 about 6 years ago
I don’t even know who Bertram even IS in Family Guy!
Slayer over 4 years ago
Its called the nucleus.
Over-Confident Nate (Comic Reviewer) about 4 years ago
SuperCharged5- almost 4 years ago
What does cripes mean?
Miri Tallstag almost 4 years ago
It’s called selective memory
Spitsy the dumb dog over 3 years ago
I dont get this joke
VMB! almost 3 years ago
He REALLY is the perfect subject