Man: You know, most people stop at a ponytail...
Only found in the state of Maine
A horsehair wig like the English and Australian barristers wear.
Aussie —
English barristers wear their hair in a pony???
Of course, I’m not surprised by anything they do in Australia.;)
hehehehe Susan – downunder we have a saying “only in America”!!!
Well I guess its better than split ends!
Yes a split end in that situation would be a very bad thing indeed.
Why not? She’s got an unbridled passion here. . . .
Just a bit of a pun, you know.
September 06, 2014
Michael McGinnis Premium Member over 13 years ago
Only found in the state of Maine
Aussie Down Under over 13 years ago
A horsehair wig like the English and Australian barristers wear.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago
Aussie —
English barristers wear their hair in a pony???
Of course, I’m not surprised by anything they do in Australia.;)
barbhinkins over 13 years ago
hehehehe Susan – downunder we have a saying “only in America”!!!
Knightman Premium Member over 13 years ago
Well I guess its better than split ends!
Jkiss over 13 years ago
Yes a split end in that situation would be a very bad thing indeed.
bmonk over 13 years ago
Why not? She’s got an unbridled passion here. . . .
Just a bit of a pun, you know.
tegm over 13 years ago