Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for January 12, 1997
Boxcars Snake Eyes The New Craze That's Sweeping The Nation! It's... ELLEN! The Board Game! Start Your boyfriend dumps you! ELLEN: Whatta you mean, "friends?" LOSE A TURN! After putting on makeup, you're mistaken for a clown! PERSON: Circus must be in town! GO BACK ONE SPACE! You're constantly overshadowed by your charismatic younger brother! Eclipse LOSE TWO TURNS! You're promoted at work! Yowza! MAN: From now on, you'll be cleaning both restrooms! ELLEN: Gawrsh! Move up three Acne outbreak on school picture day! PHOTOGRAPHER: Move your hands, kid. REPORT TO DERMATOLOGIST You bring laughter to those around you! Group: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Ellen: A game? What kind of game? Nate: It's brand new but you'll feel like you've been playing it your whole life.
ChaosGamer about 13 years ago
“But you will feel like you’ve been playing it your whole life!” Great ones make it look so easy.
cosmiczswag27 almost 12 years ago
SuperDavid over 11 years ago
Looks like fun. I wish it was in the stores
gocomics over 11 years ago
I never realized how much Ellen looks like Jenny…
BBQjoe1 about 11 years ago
Too many move backs and losing turns
evil crayons rar so scary about 10 years ago
best game ever
CanadaBall over 7 years ago
What are boxcars? I know what snake eyes are though
Love2laugh about 6 years ago
That is sooo00000 SAD!
HollyStone about 5 years ago
Did any one notice Ellen’s initials say EW? (Elllen Wright!)
ThatManBatman almost 5 years ago
The second comic with color on big nate
Rᴇᴠɪʙᴇ over 4 years ago
They are sunburnt.
minecraftchamp33 over 4 years ago
For now, Sunday comic strips are the only ones in color.
Mr. LxATHE about 4 years ago
Finally they have color.
Over-Confident Nate (Comic Reviewer) about 4 years ago
is the Snake Eye’s he’s talking about, from G.I. Joe? because I have the Fortnite skin of him
the wumbo jumbo wolf about 4 years ago
that reminds me of meme i have snake arms
the wumbo jumbo wolf about 4 years ago
Kirbo about 4 years ago
2nd color bois
t.vadivel 9 months ago
jeez nate your ego is bigger than the whole universe!