Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for July 20, 1997
Mrs. Godfrey: *looking down at Nate impatiently as he holds a paper airplane* Nate: *writing* Dear Grandma, *Nate is depicted at the bottom of the box in his desk writing* Nate: *writing* Sorry I have not written to you lately. The reason for that is: I am stuck in sumer school *Nate underlines "summer school for emphasis* and have been totally busy. What a drag. *Nate draws himself walking to school sighing while his friends socialize* Nate: *writing* "How did a genius like Nate end up in summer school?" you are probably asking. Well, that is the eternal question. What an INJUSTICE! *Nate draws himself along with two other students, showing that he is out of place* Nate: *writing* Of course, the person behind this whole sorry episode is Mrs. Godfrey. Her personal vendetta against me CONTINUES! *Nate draws Mrs. Godfrey as a she-devil with fire coming out of her mouth as Nate looks at her fearfully saying "Yikes!"* Nate: *writing* She is still the same as she was the last time I wrote you. She picks on me, she yells at me, she claims I don't pay attention in class. *Nate draws Mrs. Godfrey facing the board writing something with an eyeball on the back of her head. Nate draws himself sitting in his desk facing her back. He notes that she "has an evil eye in the back of head."* Nate: *writing* It is so unfair. The woman totally HATES me! Why she constantly singles ME out for criticism, I have no idea. *Nate draws Mrs. Godfrey throwing darts at a picture of Nate* Mrs. Godfrey: *checks watch* TIME, PEOPLE! HAND IN THOSE TESTS! Nate: *resumes writing* Well, gotta go...
SuperSayian over 12 years ago
Mrs Godfrey should had least be happy that he is doing something constructive instead of sleeping.
SuperDavid over 11 years ago
He’s writing on the test is he?
ZBot over 7 years ago
IS the email in this strip Lincoln Peirse’s e-mail?
Swayamplays over 6 years ago
why does she have white hair
PBS1! almost 5 years ago
Moral: Beware bias when you receive information
minecraftchamp33 over 4 years ago
Is this the first mention of Nate’s grandmother, Marge?
SONGYAN666 over 3 years ago
I bet Nate’s writing on the test
STUFF ENJOYER about 1 year ago
I wonder why she claims that he doesn’t pay attention.
Arcery 9 months ago
This is exactly why you’re here Nate