Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for January 16, 2000
TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE! TEST YOUR SKILL! TAKE THE MRS. GODFREY "FUN FACTS" QUIZ! 1. Mrs. Godfrey became a Social Studies instructor because: GODFREY: You'll never amount to anything. A. A career as a ballet dancer just didn't pan out. B. She loves useless facts about obscure 16th century explorers. C. She enjoys warping teaching young people. 2. Mrs. Godfrey's middle initial B stands for: A. Beth B. Barbara C. Beelzebub 3. Mrs. Godfrey's favorite perfume is called: FRANCIS: Oolp! TEDDY: What a stench! A. "Charlie" B. "Myron" C. "Dead Fish" 4. Which of the following can be found in Mrs. Godfrey's desk: GOFREY: What are you looking at? A. Breath mints B. "Sweatin' To The Oldies" tape C. Magazine article entitled "Rodents: Our Misunderstood Cousins" 5. "1776" refers to: A. The signing of the Declaration of INdependence B. Washington crossing the Delaware C. Mrs. Godfrey's weight. 6. When not behind her desk, Mrs. Godfrey can be found: DO NOT DISTURB A. At the candy machine in the teacher's lounge. B. Performing her twice-daily eyebrow ptrimming C. Under a nearby rock. NATE: Personally, I'd put C for number six! TEDDY: Ih...I'll just put "non of the above."
pikachupachirisu almost 13 years ago
good idea
kenivlikesbignate almost 13 years ago
the big nate letters are red when usally they are yellow!
peanuts511 almost 11 years ago
it would be the breath mints since when nate suggested that when a student did a good job, she would give them the junior mints in her drawer!!
peanuts511 almost 11 years ago
except for the first one
toluwanio12 about 10 years ago
TheBrawlKing almost 6 years ago
honestly he’d put C for ’em all
DM9001 about 5 years ago
If it’s the 16th century, then it’d be in the 1500’s.
hockey man almost 4 years ago
do it Teddy
captain asian almost 4 years ago
6: E) performing her hourly liposuction
Otatop almost 4 years ago
6 should be all of the above
BionicLMAO i have free account almost 3 years ago
the answers are C. C. C. C. C. C.
DM9001 over 2 years ago
There are a lot of misunderstood rodents. Like capybaras!!!!! :3
stairclimber33 10 months ago
Arcery 9 months ago
I’m surprised there was no “all of the above” option for number 6.