Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for October 08, 2000
TIME FOR ANOTHER EDITION OF FACULTY INTERVIEW! with your host: Chip Chipson! CHIP: Hello, friends! Today I'm chatting with P.S. 38's "Jabba the Hutt" look-alike...Social Studies teacher Mrs. Godfrey!! GODFREY: Can't talk now. I'm busy. CHIP: Ah! I see you're correcting Nate Wright's most recent test! GODFREY: That's right, Chip, and he is failing miserably! CHIP: And seem happy about that! GODFREY: Of course I'm happy about it! That's what I wanted to happen! CHIP: I...I don't understand. GODFREY: I told Nate to study Chapter Three! Then I tested him on Chapter Twelve! CHIP: But...that's totally unfair! GODFREY: Exactly! That's how he'll learn: by absorbing defeat after devastating defeat! You've got to break kids' spirits while they're young, Chip! Sure, it may seem cruel...but deep down they love you for it. NATE: Oh, how I loathe her. FRANCIS: Just an observation: There were no matadors at the Battle of Bull Run.
bignatesbiggestfan12 over 12 years ago
Wow. Just wow.
ChristmasBoneCatalog over 10 years ago
Francis hair is different in the last panel.
MateRight over 6 years ago
Nate is the one responsible in this situation
rey mondia over 4 years ago
Nate says “hate her” in the books.
NYAVOR!!! over 1 year ago
Ah but which one, First Bull Run or Second Bull Run
STUFF ENJOYER 9 months ago
No matadors with bulls?