Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for November 19, 2000
CLICK! TICK TICK TICK TICK TICK TICK TICK TICK FRANCIS: Here he comes! TEDDY: Say when! FRANCIS:! NATE: Good morning, Mrs. Godfrey! GOFREY: Good morning, Nate. NATE: Here's the homework I forgot to hand in yesterday. GODFREY: Wha–? Nate, this is chapter fifteen! You were supposed to do chapter twelve! NATE: Whoops GODFREY: "Whoops?" Is that all you can...oh for goodness sake! There's Cheez Doodle powder all over this homework! It stained my blouse! NATE: Uh...sorry 'bout that. GODFREY: ??What's this? Is there a drawing on the back of this? NATE: **GULP** Is there? GODFREY: Doodling on your homework? I've told you not – NATE: Uh..I didn't mean wa just... GODFREY: Wait a minute! Is this supposed to be me?? DETENTION, NATE! NOW!! FRANCIS: Forty-three seconds! TEDDY: A new record! NATE: Oh how I hate her.
giratina08 almost 13 years ago
Tater almost 11 years ago
This comic was printed in Big Nate: Makes The Grade, In Full Color.
Tater almost 11 years ago
This comic was also printed in Big Nate: I Can’t Take It!
Nate Wight. about 9 years ago
More school on Sunday comics
King0P11 about 8 years ago
i wouldn’t call them friends
I luv comix over 6 years ago
grantlong over 5 years ago
Sir Martin Wright ||| over 4 years ago
in my school if you get detenntion people just throw the slip and go home and the next day nothing happens
CUPCAKE about 4 years ago
ouch. that must have hurt
SpongeBob (Founder of The Spongebob Club) about 4 years ago
They are just expecting Nate to get dentention! Mean!
I like anime about 4 years ago
At least nobody in my school has gotten detention that fast.
Fox and Falco (League of Gocomics Commenters) about 3 years ago
They just know him that well.
Do the right chapter, don’t eat on your homework, and don’t doodle on it, including (demeaning) drawings of Mrs. Godfrey.
STUFF ENJOYER over 1 year ago
If his best friends are keeping track of how fast he gets detention, Nate clearly gets detention too much.