Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for March 18, 2001
CELEBRITY INTERVIEW! with BIFF BIFFWELL! BIFF: Today, friends, we're chatting with the "month of the month" ... March! MARCH: Hi, Biff. BIFF: So, March..."In like a lion, out like a lamb," eh? MARCH: Yeah, like I've never heard that before. BIFF: Now, now, li'l feller. No need to be snippy about it. MARCH: Hey...HEY! Don't patronize me! I know what you're thinking, Biff! "Oooh, he's a lamb! Spring is here!" Well, Spring isn't here yet, folks! And I've still got plenty of lion left in me! BIFF: look so docile! MARCH: **sigh** Okay, you want proof? I'll give you proof. RROAR
reshiram501 almost 12 years ago
in and out
Tater over 10 years ago
This comic was printed in Big Nate: I Can’t Take It!
Jacop✔️ over 4 years ago
Poor March
Nate Wright! over 3 years ago
Do they have the weather channel?
STUFF ENJOYER 12 months ago
March has some mixed weather.