Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for June 17, 2001
GODFREY: Nate? Will you sign my yearbook? TIME ONCE AGAIN FOR: Up-CLOSE and PERSONAL! with your host Biff Biffwell! BIFF: Friends, today my special guest is yearbook inscription expert, Alan Annual! ALAN: Warm regards, Biff! BIFF: Alan, what is a yearbook inscription expert? ALAN: Biff, we've all been asked to sign yearbooks for classmates or teachers! BIFF: **CHUCKLE** So true! ALAN: But we don't always know WHAT to write! That's where I come in! I help folks find just the right words for a pal. NATE: See you this summer, ol' pal! ALAN: ...or merely an acquaintance! NATE: Have a nice summer. ALAN: The object of one's affection... NATE: Roses are red, Violets are great, Dump that jerk Ronnie, And go out with Nate! ALAN:...or perhaps a respected mentor! NATE: Thou "art" a great teacher! (haha!) BIFF: But ALan, what if you find yourself signing the yearbook of someone you hate? ALAN: It can be done, Biff! The trick is finding the perfect phrase! There truly is an inscription for every occasion! INSCRIPTION: Mrs. Godfrey - I can't tell you how much I enjoyed your class this year. Nate.
bignatesbiggestfan12 over 12 years ago
You r right nate u cant. Because u hated it
ComicsLoveMeAndILoveThem about 12 years ago
very clever
big_nate_lovah almost 10 years ago
Probably I hated your class instead of i loved ur class
Frostfire7096 almost 9 years ago
Nate wrote the fakest yearbook inscription I’ve ever saw to Mrs. Godfrey.
asherlikeabos over 7 years ago
jordanforbells over 6 years ago
No, Nate’s note said he CAN’T tell Mrs. Godfrey how much he enjoyed the class. He did not enjoy the class, in other words.
IAmSeamonkey about 6 years ago
it took me a minute! it took me a minute!
23cruz almost 5 years ago
When he said “you art a good teacher” it sounds like “you aren’t a good teacher
LordVoldemort about 4 years ago
Brilliant. I might try it sometime.
SuperCharged5- almost 4 years ago
I mean, he’s not wrong
hockey man almost 4 years ago
me_the_polish_gull almost 4 years ago
You know, he’s Wright.
sansdm almost 4 years ago
That is the best letter ever. He cannot say how much he enjoyed her class because he really didn’t enjoy it
Nate Wright! almost 3 years ago
That’s exactly what I would write. I would hate her class, so I can’t tell how much I enjoyed it.
STUFF ENJOYER over 1 year ago
It’s true, because he can’t.