Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for November 25, 2001
NATE: Dad, it's freezing out here! DAD: It's brisk. That's all! We can't let that stop us! We have a family football game every Thanksgiving weekend! It's traditional! Traditions are imporant, son! Doing the same things in the same way, year after year...that has meaning! NATE: But there's ice on the lawn! DAD: Ice schmice! Kick off! DOOF! DAD: Let's hear it for tradition!! ZZOOOP! WAM! DR: You're here every year about this time, aren't you?
Snowglobe almost 7 years ago
There goes Dad.
DM9001 about 6 years ago
How did he get his dad to the emergency room if A, he’s too young to drive, and B, his dad is much bigger than him?
BuyingAFluteFromIKEA almost 6 years ago
Tradition yeah yeah… has any one read The Lottery? If not it’s basically a small farming village in like the 19 something’s were instead of having a normal money lottery, they have tradition that every year on June they have a lottery were whoever is picked is stone to make crops rich in harvest.
BuyingAFluteFromIKEA almost 6 years ago
Moral? Don’t follow tradition blindly.
Floofy dogger almost 5 years ago
Everyone sign this
Bahadurshah over 4 years ago
Going to emergency room is also a tradition for Marty
EthanChen over 4 years ago
its traditional!
ILoveHistory 9 months ago
That picture of Marty…. panel one….
Arcery 8 months ago
Marty’s really into tradition, from handing out healthy treats to these freak accidents.
Coder 3 months ago
Let’s hear it for the emergency room!