Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for January 13, 2002
TV: Here's Tiffany's triple toe loop! She nails it!! DAZZLING! Welcome once again to "Mild World of Sports" with Biff Biffwell! BIFF: Hellow friends! Today we'll be treated to a gala figure skating exhibition! Here to provide commentary is Todd Zamboni! TODD: Hi, Biff! BIFF: Todd, who's our first skater? BIFF: It's Ellen Wright, unveiling a new program! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! BIFF: And here comes her first jump! TODD: Yes, it's a combination of clumsiness and ineptitude! BIFFL Wow, Todd! What choreography! TODD: I agree, Biff! What choreography?? BIFF: Like all good routines, this one tells a story! TODD: Right, Biff! It's the story of an awkward girl who can't skate very well! BIFF: I must say, Todd! Ellen has some unusual moves! TODD: She sure does! There's no telling what she'll do next! NATEL That's a move I've never seen before.
mrfsu7524 about 11 years ago
I like it. There is definitely a flag on the play.
jamesdabawse almost 9 years ago
Hey Comic Flavor, either u copied someone else or someone else copied u
Top Ranky (YouTube) over 6 years ago
Ellen is like Mrs. Godfrey who always sneaks up on Nate
DM9001 about 5 years ago
Then Nate died of hypothermia.
Arcery over 4 years ago
I mean, he sorta deserved that.
peter barthemelow junior the 3rd griffin 11 months ago
weird move