Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for October 26, 2003
"Exploring the adolescent brain! Here?s your host: Dr. Warren Fuzzy!" "Friends, why is the adolescent mind so difficult to understand? Today we examine this enduring mystery!" "Meet Gordie, a typical teen! There's much we can learn by looking at this brain! Step in, please." "X-Ray brain-o-matic" "This cross-section reveals his interests and preoccupations! In the frontal lobe we see his doubts and fears!" "Sports Comics 'Lord of the Ring' trivia, acne, what if they cancel '24'" "His ability to reason and solve problems is housed here! And this section controls his coordination and physical actions!" "Logical, Analytics, Walking, Chewing gum" "But what, you may ask, is this large mass of gray matter? Scientist have yet to discover how it works...or why!" "The only certainty is that his part of the adolescent brain somehow leads to the teen making idiotic choices-the kind of choices the rest of us view with shock and disgust!" "I'm here to see Ellen!"
DM9001 about 6 years ago
They need to give Gordie a lobotomy.
Cute Ice Cream (Cute Cookie Bear) almost 4 years ago
and we can all guess the big half is ellen
hockey man almost 4 years ago
you can’t speak to her
MacBoi about 2 years ago
At least Nate is self-aware that he does this.