Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for November 07, 2004
It was a dark and stormy night "Arrgh! This paper is supposed to be four pages long, and it's not even three!" "It's due next period! What am I gonna do?" "Fear not, young lady!" "Huh?" "Let's see what you've writen." "Thomas Jefferson, our third President and one of the nation's greatest patriots, died on July 4th, 1826. Coincidentally, this was the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independenc." "I'll handle this. May I sit down?" "HEY! You just deleted my whole conclusion!!" "Relax." "The history of the United States of America is chock-full of great patriots. There are so many I can't even name them all. But of all the patriots, undoubtedbly the greatest was Thomas Jefferson, the third President of this great land we call the USA, which is short for the United States of America. On July 4th, in the year of 1826, the aforementioned Thomas Jefferson passed away. In an amazing and somewhat bizarre coincidence, this tragic event occurred fifty years to the day after that historic document, the Declaration of Independence, had been signed. What a fitting end to the life of a man who, patriotistically, was an absolute giant in the dramatic series of historical events which brought about the birth of this great nation of ours. "My work here is done." "Who was that man?" ""Patriotistically"?" "Up... Up... and away!"
ChaosGamer almost 13 years ago
Tdog1214 over 12 years ago
One of many life lessons from big Nate, in order to make a paper longer put as much useless info as you can.
peanuts511 almost 11 years ago
HELLO? anyone notice the first panel it was a dark and stormy! obviously it’s from snoopy’s novels!! LOLZ!!
reshiram501 over 10 years ago
and, its from frankenstein
darat almost 10 years ago
Actually, “It was a dark and stormy night” is the opening sentence from the 1830 novel “Paul Clifford” written by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. But we all know it from Snoopy.
Chad Cheetah almost 8 years ago
I know people do this, but I could never wait until the period before to finish an essay. I’d be too stressed out
Synchro StardustDragon about 7 years ago
This strip is very interesting! Nate is such a pro at this but he never takes his advantage to get better grades and avoid such things and such interesting words in such a vast amount of time!Nate really should be able to get a b- or higher using this method but unfortunately nate doesn’t use common sence and attempt to get better grades and suprise his father and getting good rewards and to surprise his Main antagonist: Gina but other than that he rarely uses this interesting quick ability and abuses his amazing talent!
HanWoodson about 5 years ago
Wow, that’s a lot of words
ComicFan4Life almost 5 years ago
Bahadurshah over 4 years ago
She doesn’t know who’s Nate!!!
MatthewMukkala over 4 years ago
Nate is a genius in his own right.
The Uchiha Clan about 4 years ago
I looked it up, and patriotistically is NOT a real word
hockey man almost 4 years ago
Mario Kart over 3 years ago
Oh, my god! That girl called Nate a man! Why don’t we see her ever again?!
-unbound- almost 3 years ago
leopardglily over 2 years ago
I have used some of his tricks in a paper before.
Ultracus over 2 years ago
That is a garbage conclusion
Melville the Calvinite almost 2 years ago
haha. adverbs are cool.
GmanDoubleG 6 months ago
That could have been his next girlfriend