Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for June 26, 2005
"Ah! Jenny, m'lady!" "What's with all the junk?" "I was at a yard sale! They were practicaly giving stuff away!" "I got this magic 8 ball for only a quarter!" "The 8 ball never lies! allow me to demonstrate!" "Ahem! Will Jenny fall madly in love with Nate? What say you, 8 ball?" "Shake shake shake" ""No chance."" "Ha!" "Wait, wait! I din't shake it enough!" "8 ball! Will Jenny fall in love with Nate?" "Uhhh..." "Oh ho! It says NO doesn't it?" "Just a sec. The sun's too bright for me to read it." "SLAM!" "Can I have my quarter back?"
Feed Me Comics! almost 13 years ago
Tdog1214 over 12 years ago
You know it might help Nate’s case if he didn’t address jenny like they lived in 1450 ( Jenny M’lady! )
fireflame over 11 years ago
Those Magic 8 balls are finally working!!!
SuperDavid over 11 years ago
The guy on the last panel lookes like he had sunburn
charliebrown221 over 10 years ago
Smooth move.
Lil Nachoe over 8 years ago
What’s he going to do with Jenny is the REAL question XD
BiggerNate91 over 8 years ago
This is the best
Swayamplays almost 6 years ago
vaeindustries over 5 years ago
Did anybody notice the purple man at the last panel?
MatthewMukkala over 4 years ago
In all honesty she deserved that
Arcery 9 months ago
Yes, she did deserve that completely.