Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for July 08, 2007
"'Poor Nate's Almanac'? What's this?" "I'm following in the footsteps of Ben Franklin, boys!" Poor Nate's Almanac $2 "Back in the 1700s, ol' Ben published 'Poor Richard's Almanack'!" "It was a filled with all sorts of wise sayings like 'The early bird gets the worm' and 'a penny saved is a penny earned'!" "'Poor Nate's Almanac' is the same thing, only better! You won't believe all the wisdom in here!" "And these are my last two copies! A bargain at two bucks each!" "Okay, I'll take one." "Me too!" "Hey! This thing's blank!" "Wait, there's something written on the last page." FLIP FLIP FLIP There's a sucker born every minute.
xall2h1 over 12 years ago
Big Nate has been around for what, 20 years? Francis and Teddy should’ve seen this coming.
kimby the koala over 12 years ago
cant think of a username almost 7 years ago
In the 3rd to last panel, one of Francis’s eyes is skin colored.
TheJustinator over 4 years ago
The CHA5M is a mechanic in Big Nate. This mechanic occurs in some comics. It makes characters chase another character, which is mostly Nate. It always happens in the last panel.
DhanushBoyineni over 4 years ago
im scared of nate in the first panel
Riya_The_Mare about 4 years ago
Run, Nate, run!
NYAVOR!!! over 3 years ago
The Elves Of Xadia almost 3 years ago